Affiliations and Associations

IWR Associations and Affiliations

We believe that sustainable change only comes through advocacy and relationship building. Innovative Waste Recycling is a member of and an active participant in the following associations:

The Brass Tacks Initiative

The Brass Tacks Initiative is a 501(c)3 nonprofit founded on a mission to support sustainable practices in the food stream through research, education, and collaboration.

Brass Tacks Initiative
Recycling Association of Minnesota

Recycling Association of Minnesota

The Recycling Association of Minnesota provides leadership, advocacy, and education to encourage the responsible use of resources through recycling and supporting modes of waste reduction.

Midwest Food Products Association

The Midwest Food Products Association, Inc. is a trade association that advocates on behalf of food processing companies and affiliated industries in Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. The association’s activities can be summarized in four words; advocate, educate, communicate, and facilitate.

Midwest Food Products Association, Inc
California League of Food Producers

California League of Food Producers

CLFP represents the interests of both large and small food processors and beverage producers throughout the state and works to help ensure a favorable and profitable business environment for its members and the entire food-producing industry.

Food Northwest

Food Northwest, formerly the Northwest Food Processors Association (NWFPA), is a trade association organized to advance the ability of the food industry to produce and deliver wholesome, safe food from the Pacific Northwest to the world.

Food Northwest
US Composting Council

US Composting Council

The US Composting Council advances compost manufacturing, compost utilization, and organics recycling to benefit our members, society, and the environment.

Minnesota Composting Council

As a state affiliate of the USCC, the MNCC is dedicated to the development, expansion, and promotion of the composting industry based upon sound science, principles of sustainability, and economic viability.

MN Composting Council
American Biogas Council

American Biogas Council

The American Biogas Council is the voice of the US biogas industry dedicated to maximizing carbon reduction and economic growth using biogas systems.

Solid Waste Association of North America

The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) is an organization of more than 10,000 public and private sector professionals committed to advancing from solid waste management to resource management through their shared emphasis on education, advocacy and research.

Solid Waste Association of North America

Interested in having us join your association?

Let's start the conversation, we'd love to hear more about your association and how it aligns with our mission.